All Resolutions

Meeting of the Bureau of PES Local | Socialist Local Representatives in Europe on 29 April 2020 (videoconference)

Resolution «Cities and municipalities ensure stability in the COVID-19 crisis – European states and the EU must now maintain and strengthen the local authorities’ ability to act»


Brussels - 25 November 2011

Resolution of the USLRRE «Fair Growth - The Local and Regional Dimension»

Budapest - 23 January 2009

Resolution of the USLRRE "Inclusive society – Local authorities and equal opportunities"

Lleida - 2 December 2006

Resolution of the USLRRE "Migration and integration policies"

Brussels - 22 June 2005

Resolution of the USLRRE on the EU Commission's Proposal for an EU Services Directive

Berlin - 6 November 2004

Communiqué on the Position of the USLRRE on the Ratification of the European Constitution

Luxembourg - 6 December 2003

Resolution of the USLRRE "Combining Career and Family"

Brussels – 8 February 2002

Resolution of the USLRRE "Sustainable Development and Local Authorities"

Brussels - 20 April 2001

Resolution of the USLRRE "The Local Services of General Interest"

Vienna - 1 July 2000

Resolution of the USLRRE "The Political Situation in Austria"

Lausanne - 4/5 February 1999

Resolution of the USLRRE "Local Democracy and the Possibilities of Participation in Europe"

Vienna - 6/7 November 1998

Resolution of the USLRRE "The Future of Local Financing in Europe"


Party of European Socialists (PES)

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