Meeting of the Bureau of PES Local | Socialist Local Representatives in Europe on 29 April 2020 (videoconference)
Resolution «Housing in Europe has to become affordable for all again. For more investment and a clear commitment to affordable housing for all in Europe»
Resolution «Strong municipalities for a Europe of Social Cohesion and Solidarity»
Resolution of the USLRRE «Ensure Sustainable Financing of Local and Regional Authorities in Europe»
Resolution of the USLRRE «Differentiated implementation of Basel III – Strengthening the real economy, securing the funding of small and medium-sized enterprises and local authorities» Contribution of the Union of Socialist Local and Regional Representatives in Europe (USLRRE) to the Fundamental Programme of the PES
Resolution of the USLRRE «Fair Growth - The Local and Regional Dimension»
Resolution of the USLRRE Resolution of the USLRRE on «The Global Economic and Financial Crisis and its Impact on Local and Regional Authorities»
Resolution of the USLRRE Resolution «Shaping the Future: The Contribution of Local and Regional Authorities to a Democratic, Social and Sustainable Europe»
Resolution of the USLRRE "Inclusive society – Local authorities and equal opportunities"
Resolutions of the USLRRE Resolution on the outcome of the European Council on 21 and 22 June 2008 in Brussels «Solidarity between the generations - Ageing as a challenge for the future of the local authorities»
Resolution of the USLRRE "Migration and integration policies"
Resolution of the USLRRE "Cross-border and transnational co-operation between local and regional authorities"
Resolution of the USLRRE "The future of rural communities: a major issue for socialist representatives"
Resolution of the USLRRE on the EU Commission's Proposal for an EU Services Directive
Communiqué on the Position of the USLRRE on the Ratification of the European Constitution
Resolution of the USLRRE "Combining Career and Family"
Resolution of the USLRRE "The Enlargement of the European Union and Local Government and the Convention on the Future of the EU"
Resolution of the USLRRE "Immigration and Integration Politics: Opportunities and Challenges for Local Government"
Resolution of the USLRRE "Sustainable Development and Local Authorities"
Resolution of the USLRRE "The Local Services of General Interest"
Resolution of the USLRRE "The Political Situation in Austria"
Resolution of the USLRRE "Employment, Economic Reforms and Social Cohesion: for a Europe of Innovation and Knowledge"
Resolution of the USLRRE "Local Democracy and the Possibilities of Participation in Europe"
Resolution of the USLRRE "The Future of Public Services in Europe and the Contribution of Local Authorities in the Struggle against Unemployment"
Resolution of the USLRRE "The Future of Local Financing in Europe"