Manifesto for the European Elections of 2014 adopted by the Bureau of the Union of Socialist Local and Regional Representatives in Europe in February 2014 in Rome
Manifesto of the USLRRE for the 2014 European elections
« Europe's strength lies in its cities and municipalities – For a social Europe of freedom, equal opportunities and solidarity » (English version)
Manifesto of the USLRRE – French version
Manifesto of the USLRRE – German version
Manifesto for the European Elections of June 2009 adopted by the Bureau of the Union of Socialist Local and Regional Representatives in Europe in January 2009 "Socialist local and regional representatives for a social and democratic Europe: With the people - For the people"(english Version) Manifesto of the USLRRE - French version Manifesto of the USLRRE - German version Manifesto of the USLRRE - Spanish version
Manifesto for the European Elections of June 2004 adopted by the Bureau of the Union of Socialist Local and Regional Representatives in Europe in December 2003 "United in their diversity: the local authorities are Europe’s strength"