On 15 May 2024 the Bureau of PES Local adopted its Manifesto for the European elections 2024. The Manifesto with the title « Protection through the transition – For strong municipalities in a strong Europe » includes the common positions in key areas of local government and the political priorities upon which socialist local representatives in Europe will especially focus in the coming years.
PES Local Manifesto «Protection through the transition – For strong municipalities in a strong Europe» - DOWNLOAD: ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN
Ana ABRUNHOSA | Minister for Territorial Cohesion at the Bureau meeting of PES Local in Lisbon.
On 20 October 2023 the Bureau of PES Local met upon the invitation of Partido Socialista (PS) in Lisbon. In the afternoon a workshop of PES Local and Partido Socialista took place on «Affordable, Social Inclusive and Climate Neutral Housing». Delegations of the organisations of social democratic and socialist local and regional representatives from eight European countries took part in the workshop. Speakers of the meeting and the workshop included:
Ana ABRUNHOSA | Minister for Territorial Cohesion (Portugal),
Marina GONÇALVES | Minister for Housing (Portugal),
João TORRES | Deputy Secretary General of PS, Member of the Portuguese Parliament (Portugal),
Luísa SALGUEIRO | Mayor of Matosinhos, President of the National Association of Portuguese Municípalities (ANMP),
Timo SCHISANOWSKI | Member of the German Parliament,
Christophe ROUILLON | President of PES Local, Mayor of Coulaines, Conseiller général of Sarthe, Vice President of the Association of French Mayors in charge of European affairs, President of the PES group in the Committee of the Regions (France),
Susana AMADOR | Vice-President of PES Local, Member of the Portuguese Parliament, National Secretary of the Portuguese Socialist Party (PS) for Municipalities and Local Authorities, Member of the PS National Policy Board, President of the Municipal Assembly of Loures (Portugal),
Kata TÜTTÖ | Deputy Mayor of Budapest, Vice-Chair of the Hungarian Socialist Party (MsZP), Vice-President of the PES-Group of the Committee of the Regions, Vice President of PES Local,
Michaela KAUER | Head of Brussels Office of the City of Vienna (Austria),
Christophe FERRARI | President of Grenoble Alpes Métropole, Mayor of Le Pont-de-Claix,
Isilda GOMES, Mayor of Portimão, Chairwoman of the Portuguese delegation in the Committee of the Regions, President of the Commission for Natural Resources of the Committee of the Regions, President of the Associação Nacional de Autarcas do Partido Socialista (Portugal).
In the video conference of the Bureau on 9 March 2023 Marcos ROS SEMPERE, MEP, S&D Coordinator in Regional Development committee in the European Parliament, reported on the Future of EU cohesion policy. PES Local confirmed its support to the positions of the #CohesionAlliance.
Furthermore Bureau members exchanged information on the situation of refugees from Ukraine in municipalities in the EU.
Main topic on the agenda of the Bureau meeting of PES Local on 1 December 2022 at the PES headquarters in Brussels was the ongoing War in Ukraine and the situation of refugees in municipalities in the EU. Furthermore the Bureau of PES Local discussed on the implications of the energy price crisis, high inflation and its implications for towns and municipalities.
In its video conference on 2 December 2021 the Bureau of PES Local discussed its expecations on the Conference on the Future of Europe and adopted resolution « For a Europe with a human face: Consolidating the foundation and cohesion of Europe with strong local authorities »
At this meeting the executive Bureau of PES Local was elected. Christophe ROUILLON (France), Mayor of Coulaines, Conseiller général of Sarthe and President of the PES Group in the Committee of the Regions, was unanimously re-elected as PES Local’s President.
Resolution « For a Europe with a human face: Consolidating the foundation and cohesion of Europe with strong local authorities »
DOWNLOAD: English, French and German
New executive Bureau of PES Local
Main topics of the video conference of the Bureau on 6 July were the Conference on the Future of Europe and again the impact of the Covid-19-crisis on local authorities. Vice President Kata Tüttö reported on the aims, the composition and the processes of the Conference on the Future of Europe.
In the video conference of the Bureau on 18 November 2020 PES Deputy Secretary General Yonnec POLET presented the draft PES paper «Leading the way for Progressive and Sustainable Cities». The Bureau discussed the draft and proposed several additions and amendments. Once again the Bureau also discussed on the impact of the Covid-19-crisis on local authorities in member countries.
Furthermore the Bureau discussed on reports that since mid-2019, over 100 local authorities in Poland have adopted declarations designating themselves as so-called "LGBTIQ-free zones". The Bureau of PES Local strongly condemned statements made by local authorities targeting LGBTIQ people. In an open letter to the Polish Association of Municipalities CEMR had taken a stand against this. Numerous mayors and local politicians, including Christophe ROUILLON, had already endorsed this letter. Marc TARABELLA, as General Secretary, endorsed the open letter of CEMR on behalf of PES Local.
On 29 April the Bureau of PES Local came together to discuss on the impact of the Covid-19-crisis on local authorities in Europe. The Bureau emphasised that Cities and municipalities ensure stability in the COVID-19 crisis and called on European states and the EU to maintain and strengthen the local authorities’ ability to act in the crisis. PES Local adopted a resolution on this subject. The effects of Brexit on local government in the UK was another main point on the agenda of the meeting.
Due to the Covid-19-crisis the meeting of the Bureau of PES Local could not take place at the PES headquarters in Brussels as envisaged and was organised as video conference.
Resolution Cities and municipalities ensure stability in the COVID-19 crisis – European states and the EU must now maintain and strengthen the local authorities’ ability to act
Bureau of PES Local on 25 April 2019 in Vienna
On 25 and 26 April 2019 PES Local | Socialist Local Representatives in Europe adopted its manifesto for the European elections 2019. The Manifesto with the title «We are all Europe: For a free and fair Europe in solidarity with strong local authorities» includes the common positions in key areas of local government and the political priorities upon which socialist local representatives in Europe will especially focus in the coming years and refers to the Manifesto of the PES. With its Manifesto, PES Local wishes to make a contribution to our common campaign. Furthermore the Bureau emphasised the neccessity for more affordable housing and adopted a resolution on this this subject.
PES Local Manifesto «We are all Europe: For a free and fair Europe in solidarity with strong local authorities» - DOWNLOAD: ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN
Resolution «Housing in Europe has to become affordable for all again. For more investment and a clear commitment to affordable housing for all in Europe»
and the resolution «After local elections in Turkey the will of the electorate must be respected!» - DOWNLOAD: ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN
On 1 June 2018 the Bureau of PES Local met upon the invitation of the FNESR in the Headquarters of the French Socialist Party in Paris. At this meeting the executive Bureau of PES Local was elected. Christophe Rouillon (France), Mayor of Coulaines, Conseiller général of Sarthe, Vice President of the Association of French Mayors, First Vice-President of the PES-Group of the Committee of the Regions, was unanimously elected as PES Local’s President, and Marc TARABELLA (Belgium), Member of the European Parliament and Mayor of Anthisnes, as Secretary General. In the afternoon a workshop of PES Local and FNESR took place on « Strengthening Cities and Municipalities – For a Europe of Solidarity and Social Cohesion». Delegations of the organisations of social democratic and socialist local and regional representatives from thirteen European countries took part in the workshop. Speakers of the meeting and the workshop included
Olivier FAURE, First Secretary of the French Socialist Party (PS)
Pierre MOSCOVICI, EU Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs
Maria João RODRIGUES, President of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies
(FEPS), Vice-President of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament
Maria da LUZ ROSINHA, National Secretary of the Portuguese socialist Party for
Municipalities and Local Autorities, Member and Vice-Chair of the Committee on Environment, Spatial Planning, Decentralization, Local Government and Housing of the Portuguese Parliament
Hermano SANCHES RUIVO, Councillor of the City of Paris in charge of European Affairs
Resolution «Strong municipalities for a Europe of Social Cohesion and Solidarity»
Resolution of PES Local on the Situation in Turkey
Executive Bureau of the USLRRE 2018 - 2020
With its meeting on 8 March at the PES headquarters in Brussels USLRRE has now changed its name to PES Local | Socialist Local Representatives in Europe. The change of name reflects our strong connection with the Party of European Socialists (PES).
In the meeting of the Bureau meeting of PES Local, Yonnec POLET, PES Deputy Secretary General, reported on current activities of PES. Kerstin WESTPHAL, MEP, Member of the Committee on Regional Development of the European Parliament, reported on the "Urban Agenda for the EU" and "EU cohesion policy beyond 2020". Furthermore the Bureau discussed on the Situation in Turkey with representatives of SODEM and HDP and adopted a resolution on the subject.
Resolution of PES Local on the Situation in Turkey
At the USLRRE Bureau meeting, held on 1st of July 2016 in Luxembourg, the Bureau discussed on the Challenges of migration in the EU for local authorities. Firat ANLI, Co-Mayor of Diyarbakir, reported on the Developments in local politics in Turkey and the situation in Diyarbakir.
Furthermore a Workshop took place on « Populism – A Challenge to Local Democracy» organized by USLRRE, LSAP Gemengeforum and FEPS – Foundation of European Progressive Studies. Speakers included:
Tamás BOROS, Co-Director and Head of Strategy of the political research and consultancy institute Policy Solutions, member of the Scientific Council of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS)
Christophe ROUILLON, Vice President of the USLRRE, Mayor of Coulaines, Conseiller général of Sarthe, Vice President of the Association of French Mayors in charge of European affairs, Member of the Committee of the Regions
Kata TÜTTŐ, Vice President of the USLRRE, Councillor for the XIIth district of Budapest, Member of the party executive of the Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP), Member of the Committee of the Regions
Dr. Günther SIDL, Director of the Volkshochschule Urania in Vienna, Member of the Regional Parliament of Niederösterreich, Councillor (Petzenkirchen)
Dr. Siebo M.H. JANSSEN, Lecturer, Institute of History of the University of Cologne
Moderation: Tom JUNGEN, Vice President of the USLRRE, Mayor of the Municipality of Roeser, Chairman of the Forum of Socialist Local Representatives of Luxembourg
Report on Workshop « Populism – A Challenge to Local Democracy»
Main topic on the agenda of the Bureau meeting of the USLRRE on 8 December 2015 was the refugee crisis and its implications for towns and municipalities. The Bureau adopted the resolution « Solidarity in receiving refugees in the EU! ». Furthermore Bernd LANGE, MEP, Chairman of the Committee on International Trade of the European Parliament, reported on the latest developments concerning CETA and TTIP.
Resolution pf the USLRRE « Solidarity in receiving refugees in the EU! »
The Bureau of the USLRRE met on 12 June 2015 in the framework of the PES Congress in Budapest. At this meeting the executive Bureau of the USLRRE was elected. Roland SCHÄFER (Germany), Mayor of Bergkamen, President of the Association of German Towns and Municipalities, Member of the Council of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe (CLRAE), was unanimously elected as the USLRRE’s President. Marc TARABELLA (Belgium), Member of the European Parliament and Mayor of Anthisnes, was re-elected as Secretary General of the USLRRE. Former President Claudy LEBRETON (France) was appointed Honorary President of the USLRRE.
New executive Bureau of the USLRRE elected on 12. June 2015 in Budapest
At the USLRRE Bureau meeting, held on 19 November 2014 at the headquarters of the PES in Brussels, the Bureau discussed on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and the Canada – EU Trade Agreement (CETA) with Bernd LANGE, MEP, Chairman of the Committee on International Trade of the European Parliament.
Marc TARABELLA, MEP, Mayor of Anthisnes, Secretary General of the USLRRE and Frédéric VALLIER, Secretary General of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) reported on legislative projects of the European Union relevant to local and regional government in the new legislative period of the European Parliament. Furthermore the Bureau discussed challenges of migration in the EU.
On 28 February 2014 in Rome the USLRRE adopted its Manifesto for the European elections in 2014. The Manifesto of the USLRRE with the title « Europe's strength lies in its cities and municipalities – For a social Europe of freedom, equal opportunities and solidarity » includes the common positions in key areas of local government and the political priorities upon which socialist local and regional representatives in Europe will especially focus in the coming years. Socialist local and regional representatives from a total of 15 European countries have participated in the conferences of the USLRRE leading to these common positions, in a process underway since 2009.
Manifesto of the USLRRE for the 2014 European elections
« Europe's strength lies in its cities and municipalities – For a social Europe of freedom, equal opportunities and solidarity » (English version)
Manifesto of the USLRRE – French version
Manifesto of the USLRRE – German version
Furthermore a roundtable discussion took place on the question «Why do the European elections matter for the local and regional level?»
Speakers included:
Alain Hutchinson, Member of the Parliament of the Brussels Capital Region, Member of the Committe of the Regions
Claudy Lebreton, President of the Conseil Général of the Departement Côtes d’Armor, President of the Assembly of French Departements, Secretary General of the European Confederation of Local Intermediate Authorities (CEPLI), President of the USLRRE
Carla Rey, Deputy Mayor of Venice for Commerce and Productive Activities and Relationship with the European associations of local authorities, Vice President of the Italian Section of the Council of Municipalities and Regions of Europe (AICCRE)
Roland Schäfer, Mayor of Bergkamen, First Vice-President of the Association of German Towns and Municipalities, Vice-President of the USLRRE
Marc Tarabella, Member of the European Parliament, Mayor of Anthisnes, Secretary General of the USLRRE
Moderation: Martine Buron, Honorary President of the USLRRE, former Mayor of Chateaubriant, former Member of the European Parliament
The Bureau meeting and the roundtable discussion of the USLRRE in Rome took place in the frame of the PES Congress.
At the Bureau meeting on 4 December 2013 in the PES headquarters in Brussels Marc Tarabella, MEP, reported on the new legislation concerning EU public procurement rules. Furthermore the Bureau of the USLRRE discussed the draft manifesto of the USLRRE for the European elections 2014. Ernst Stetter, Secretary General of the Foundation of European Progressive Studies (FEPS), and Fréderic Vallier, Secretary General of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) reported on the recent activities of FEPS and CEMR.
At its meeting on 25 June 2013 at the headquarters of the Party of european Socialists in Brussels the Bureau of the USLRRE discussed on the EU cohesion policy 2014 - 2020 with Constanze Krehl, Coordinator of the S&D Group in the Committee on Regional Development. Yonnec Polet, Deputy Secretary General of the PES, reported on preparations of the PES for the European elections 2014.
On 9 November 2012 the Bureau of the USLRRE met upon the invitation of the Bundes-SGK in the Willy-Brandt-Haus in Berlin. At this meeting the executive Bureau of the USLRRE was elected. Claudy LEBRETON (France), President of the Conseil Général of the Departement Côtes d’Armor and President of the Assembly of French Departements was unanimously re-elected as the USLRRE’s President, and Marc TARABELLA (Belgium), Member of the European Parliament and Mayor of Anthisnes, as Secretary General of the USLRRE. In the morning a conference of the USLRRE and FEPS took place on the subject of «Ensure Sustainable Financing of Local and Regional Authorities in Europe». Delegations of the organisations of social democratic and socialist local and regional representatives from thirteen European countries took part in the Conference. Speakers of the Conference included Raed SALEH, Chairman of the SPD Group in the House of Representatives of Berlin, Karl-Heinz LAMBERTZ, Minister-President of the German-speaking Community of Belgium, President of the PES Group in the Committee of the Regions, Jaime LISSAVETZKY, Spokesman for PSOE in the Madrid City Council, Prof. Dr. Werner JANN, Professor for Political Science, Administration and Organization at Potsdam University, and Ernst STETTER, Secretary General of FEPS. Resolution of the USLRRE «Ensure Sustainable Financing of Local and Regional Authorities in Europe» Executive Bureau of the USLRRE 2012 - 2014
At the Bureau meeting on 9 March 2012 in the PES headquarters in Brussels the USLRRE adopted its contribution to the Fundamental Programme of the PES and the resolution «Differentiated implementation of Basel III – Strengthening the real economy, securing the funding of small and medium-sized enterprises and local authorities». USLRRE warmly welcomed ECOSY President Kaisa Penny and CEMR’s Secretary General, Fréderic Vallier, who reported on the activities and the work of the CEMR. Resolution of the USLRRE «Differentiated implementation of Basel III – Strengthening the real economy, securing the funding of small and medium-sized enterprises and local authorities»
On 25 November 2011 the Union of Socialist Local and Regional Representatives in Europe (USLRRE) and FEPS – Foundation of European Progressive Studies organised the Workshop «Fair Growth - The Local and Regional Dimension» within the framework of the Convention of the Party of European Socialists (PES). Speakers included: Karl- Heinz LAMBERTZ, Minister- President of the German- speaking Community of Belgium, President of the PES Groupin the Committee of the Regions Claudy LEBRETON, President of the Conseil Général des Côtes d’Armor, President of the Assembly of French Departements, President of the USLRRE Roland SCHÄFER, Mayor of Bergkamen, President of the Association of German Towns and Municipalities, First Vice- President of the USLRRE Freddy THIELEMANS, Mayor of Brussels The workshop was moderated by Dr. Ernst Stetter, FEPS Secretary General. In the afternoon a meeting of the Bureau of the USLRRE took place. The Bureau adopted the Resolution « «Fair Growth - The Local and Regional Dimension». Conclusions and Statements Workshop - «Fair Growth - The Local and Regional Dimension» Resolution of the USLRRE on «Fair Growth - The Local and Regional Dimension» Information on the Convention of the PES on 25 and 26 November 2011 On 24 June 2011 a round- table- discussion of the S&D Group in the European Parliament and the USLRRE took place in Brussels on legislative projects of the EU relevant to local and regional government. Speakers included: Marc TARABELLA, Member of the European Parliament, Mayor of Anthisnes Claudy LEBRETON, President of the Conseil Général of the Departement Côtes d’Armor, President of the Assembly of French Departements, President of the USLRRE Evelyne GEBHARDT, Member of the European Parliament, Coordinator of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats (S & D) in the European Parliament - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Mojca KLEVA, Member of the European Parliament, Member of the Committee on Regional Development (REGI) Alain HUTCHINSON, Member of the Brussels- Capital Regional Parliament, Member of the Committee of the Regions
The Bureau of the USLRRE met upon the invitation of the Polish Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) on 3 December 2010 in the framework of the Council of the Party of European Socialists (PES) in Warsaw. At this meeting the Bureau of the USLRRE adopted a resolution on «The Global Economic and Financial Crisis and its Impact on Local and Regional Authorities». In the afternoon a round-table-discussion of the USLRRE, SLD and the Foundation of European Progressive Studies (FEPS) took place on «The Global Economic and Financial Crisis and its Impact on Local and Regional Authorities». Speakers included: Claudy LEBRETON, President of the USLRRE, President of the Conseil Général des Côtes d’Armor, President of the Assembly of French Departements, Secretary General of the European Confederation of Local Intermediate Authorities (CEPLI) Jacek KOWALSKI, Mayor of Gniezno Petroula NTELEDIMOU, President of ECOSY - Young European Socialists, Member of the National Board of PASOK (Greece) Kurt GASSNER, Deputy Chairman and Spokesperson on Local Government of the SPÖ group in the Austrian Parliament and Treasurer of the USLRRE The round table discussion was moderated by Dr. Ernst STETTER, FEPS Secretary General, and Martine BURON, former Mayor of Chateubriant and Honorary President of the USLRRE. Resolution of the USLRRE on «The Global Economic and Financial Crisis and its Impact on Local and Regional Authorities» Information on the Council of the Party of European Socialists (PES) on 2 and 3 December 2010 in Warsaw
The Bureau of the USLRRE met upon the invitation of the FNESR 16 October 2009 in Paris. At this meeting the executive Bureau of the USLRRE was elected. Claudy LEBRETON, President of the Conseil Général of the Departement Côtes d’Armor, President of the FNESR and President of the Assembly of French Departements was unanimously elected as the USLRRE’s President. Marc TARABELLA, Member of the European Parliament and Mayor of Anthisnes is the new Secretary General of the USLRRE. The former Presidents of the USLRRE Martine Buron and Herbert Schmalstieg were appointed Honorary Presidents of the USLRRE. In the afternoon a Conference took place on the subject of «Shaping the Future: The Contribution of Local and Regional Authorities to a Democratic, Social and Sustainable Europe». Speakers included Philip Cordery, Secretary General of the Party of European Socialists (PES), Harlem Desir, Member of the European Parliament, National Secretary of the Parti Socialiste in charge of coordination, Pierre Schapira, Deputy Mayor of Paris, and Jeremy Smith, Secretary General of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR). Delegations of the organisations of social democratic and socialist local and regional representatives from eleven European countries took part in the meeting of the Bureau of the USLRRE and in the Conference. Resolution «Shaping the Future: The Contribution of Local and Regional Authorities to a Democratic, Social and Sustainable Europe» Executive Bureau of the USLRRE 2009
In Budapest on 23 January 2009 the USLRRE adopted its Manifesto for the European elections in 2009. The Manifesto of the USLRRE with the title « Socialist local and regional representatives for a social and democratic Europe. With the people - For the people » includes the common positions in key areas of local government and the political priorities upon which socialist local and regional representatives in Europe will especially focus in the coming years. Socialist local and regional representatives from a total of 15 European countries have participated in the conferences of the USLRRE leading to these common positions, in a process underway since 2004. Manifesto of the USLRRE for the 2009 European elections "Socialist local and regional representatives for a social and democratic Europe: With the people - For the people"(English version) Manifesto of the USLRRE - French version Manifesto of the USLRRE - German version Manifesto of the USLRRE - Spanish version Furthermore a conference took place in Budapest at the invitaion of Mónika Lamperth, Vice President of the USLRRE and . József Tóth, President of BÖK on "Inclusive society – Local authorities and equal opportunities", which was attended by more than 80 local and regional representatives from Hungary and eight further European countries. In its meeting the Bureau of the USLRRE adoped a resolution on the subject of the conference. Resolution of the USLRRE Inclusive society – Local authorities and equal opportunities
At the Bureau meeting on 18 April 2008 the USLRRE adopted its contribution to the PES Manifesto for the 2009 European elections. Philip Cordery, PES Secretary General, thanked the USLRRE for its work and reported on the consultation process for PES Manifesto. CEMR’s Secretary General, Jeremy Smith, reported on the activities and the work of the CEMR.
The Bureau of the USLRRE met upon the invitation of the Local Government Committee of the SPÖ on 7 July 2007 in Vienna. At this meeting the executive Bureau of the USLRRE was elected. Dr. h.c. Herbert Schmalstieg, former Executive Mayor of Hanover, Chairman of the Commission on European and International Affairs of the Social Democratic Association for Local Government in Germany (Bundes-SGK) and Honorary President of the Bundes-SGK, was unanimously re-elected as the USLRRE’s President. In the afternoon a conference took place concerning the subject of «Solidarity between generations - Ageing as a challenge for the future of the local authorities». Delegations of the organisations of social democratic and socialist local and regional representatives from eleven European countries took part in the meeting of the Bureau of the USLRRE and in the conference. The Bureau of the USLRRE adopted the following two resolutions at the Vienna meeting: - Resolution on the outcome of the European Council on 21 and 22 June 2008 in Brussels - Resolution «Solidarity between the generations - Aging as a challenge for the future of the local authorities» Executive Bureau of the USLRRE elected by the Bureau on 7 July 2007
A workshop of the USLRRE on the subject of "Immigration and Integration Policies"; took place on 2 December 2006 in Lleida in Spain. Speakers included: Elviro ARANDA ÁLVAREZ, Member of the Spanish National Parliament, Coordinator of the Federal Group on Immigration of the PSOE Mohammed CHAIB AKHDIM, Member of the Catalan Parliament Hans SPIGT, Alderman of the city of Dordrecht Nurten YILMAZ, Member of the Regional Parliament and Councillor of Vienna, Spokesperson for Integration policies of the Vienna SPÖ On 11. June 2006 a meeting of the Bureau and a workshop on « Cross-Border Co-Operation » took place in Szczecin in Poland. Speakers included Grzegorz NAPIERALSKI, Secretary General of the SLD, and Boguslaw LIBERADZKI, MEP.
A meeting of the Bureau and a workshop on « Rural Development » took place in the Jean Jaurès Foundation in Paris on 15 October 2005. Speakers included Fréderic SCANVIC, Director general of the French Socialist Party (PS), Maurice BRAUD, Director of the International Secretariat of the PS and Michel Thauvin, Vice President of the Jean Jaurès Foundation. The Bureau adopted a resolution on the subject of the workshop. In June 2005 a workshop on the subject of the « EU Services Directive » took place in the European Parliament in Brussels at the invitation of Marc TARABELLA, MEP and Deputy Secretary General of the USLRRE. Speakers included several Members of the European Parliament and the Secretary General of CEMR Jeremy SMITH. In a resolution the USLRRE underlined its rejection of the proposal of the EU-Commission for a EU Services Directive.
On 6 November 2004 the USLRRE organised a workshop on the subject of « Demographic Change – Challenges for Local Authorities » in the Willy-Brandt-Haus in Berlin. Speakers included Klaus Uwe BENNETER, Secretary General of the SPD. On the same day the Bureau of the USLRRE was re-elected. Herbert SCHMALSTIEG, Lord Mayor of Hanover, was elected President of the USLRRE. The manifesto of the USLRRE for the European elections in 2004 was presented officially at a Conference in Vienna on 14 May 2004. Key note speaker was Hannes SWOBODA MEP, head of the list of the SPÖ for the European elections.
In Luxembourg in December 2003 the Bureau adopted the manifesto of the USLRRE for the European elections in 2004. This manifesto with the title «United in their diversity: the local authorities are Europe’s strength» includes the common positions in key areas of local government and the political priorities upon which socialist local and regional representatives in Europe will especially focus in the coming years. Socialist local and regional representatives from a total of 16 European countries have participated in the preparatory conferences of the USLRRE leading to these common positions, in a process underway since 2001. A conference on the topic of «Combining career and family» was also held in Luxembourg; the Bureau adopted a resolution on this subject. Speakers included Jean ASSELBORN, Chairman of the Socialist Party of Luxembourg (LSAP) and Lucien LUX, Secretary General of the LSAP.
On 7 December 2002, a conference of the USLRRE was held in Budapest, at the invitation of Left Local Government Community in Hungary (BÖK) and the Socialist Party of Hungary (MSZP), on the topic «The Enlargement of the European Union and Local Government and the Convention on the Future of Europe». The speakers included the host, Mónika LAMPERTH, Vice President of the MSZP and the USLRRE and Hungarian Minister of the Interior as well as the President of the MSZP and Hungarian Minister for Foreign Affairs László KOVÁCS. Along with some 120 Hungarian local representatives, delegations from 11 European countries – including representatives from Slovakia, Slovenia and Romania – took part. In a resolution adopted on the previous day, the Bureau of the USLRRE underscored its demand that the EU Convention take greater account of the interests of local and regional authorities. «Immigration and Integration Politics» was the focus subject for the conference and the meeting of the Bureau held on June 2002 in Mataró (Spain). The Bureau passed a resolution on this subject.
In October 2001 the Bureau was re-elected in London. Furthermore a conference on languages took place in London Newham. Speakers included Stephen TIMMS M.P. Minister for School Standards (UK) and Robert EVANS MEP (UK). Sustainable development was the main subject of the the Bureau meeting in Cascais (Portugal) in June 2001. A resolution on this subject was adopted in the meeting of the Executive Bureau in February 2002 in Brussels.
In Rome in October 2000 the Bureau prepared a draft resolution on the European Commission's communication on «Services of general interest in Europe» of 20 September 2000. The Executive Bureau adopted a resolution on this subject in it's meeting on 20 April 2001 in Brussels. In July 2000 the Bureau met in Vienna to express solidarity with Austrian colleagues and passed a resolution on the political situation in Austria. The Executive Bureau met in Paris on 10 March 2000 and adopted a resolution on the subject of the extraordinary European summit in Lisbon on 23 and 24 March 2000 «Economic reforms and social cohesion: for a Europe of innovation and knowledge».
In the meeting of the Bureau in Berlin in November 1999 the Bureau of the USLRRE was elected. A manifesto of the Union of Socialist Local and Regional Representatives in Europe which was presented in the setting of the campaign of Socialists for the elections to the European Parliament in 1999, at a conference in Paris on 25 April 1999. Speakers included Francois HOLLANDE and Sir Albert BORE. In 1999 and 1998 the USLRRE organised a series of conferences whose themes were as follows: • «Cooperation between Social Democrats in Europe» - February 1999 - London (United Kingdom). • «Local democracy and the possibilities of participation in Europe» - February 1999 Lausanne (Switzerland). • «The future of the public service at the local level in Europe and the municipalities' contribution in the struggle against unemployment » - December 1998 - Seville (Spain). • «The future of local finances in Europe» - November 1998 - Vienna (Austria). • «A social democratic approach to the renewal of the local politics. New approaches to Europe» - February 1998 - Frankfurt (Germany).